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ALL CONTENTS are copyright by Rick Arthur. All rights are reserved. Content may not be reproduced in any form without express written permission. Opinions expressed are those of the author(s) who makes no additional claims of accuracy.





Question - Is it possible to make money use POD to print comics? Not DJ money. Not limo money. Enough to scrape out a living or side hustle?

"Shake your fist at the universe. Curse. Fail."

Financial profitability? Get used to the idea that you will fail. Almost all fail. You will too. The learning curve is nose-bleeding steep, vertical-cliff steep. The obstacles are so numerous and will come at you so fast it will make your head spin. You cannot compete in any area or aspect of the process - writing, drawing, inking, coloring, lettering, production, marketing, fulfilment, or financing. After you have been working IN the business for ten years, THEN you will realize how little you know.

"What is an artist/writer to do when the odds are so stacked against them???"

Work. Work tirelessly. Work feverishly. Work until you are bleary-eyed and then work some more. Take your craft seriously. Read. Study. Learn. Ask questions. Listen. Absorb. Be curious about how everything works. Fail. Get rejected. Get ripped off. Get disappointed. Fail. Shake your fist at the universe. Curse. Fail. Fail. Fail. Pick yourself up. Dust yourself off.

To be profitable, you must devote yourself to a simple proposition - consistently provide MORE value to the customer than the price they pay at a cost to you which allows you to pay ALL expenses in time and money. Artists forget about the "time" part. I have seen artists charge $5 for a book that cost $3 to print and they think they are making a profit.

"What's ONE thing every indie comic creator should do to be more profitable?"

Take the time to learn the basics of finance and marketing and apply those principles to all your work.

On the flip side...

Now is the very best time in all of human history to be involved in creative work. There are more tools, more resources, more tutorials, more groups, more information, more markets, more platforms and more possibilities available at your fingertips than in the last two centuries combined. The present and the future are dazzling. Still, you will fail. It is hard. There are no short cuts. No single answers. There are no sure-fire pathways. Some success is just dumb luck, being in the right place at the right time.

Be kind to yourself. There will be many bad days and bumps in the road ahead. Keep your head down and chin up. Continue working and learning. Good luck.

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     Question - Is it possible to make money use POD to print comics? Not DJ money. Not limo money. Enough to scrape out a living or side hu...