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ALL CONTENTS are copyright by Rick Arthur. All rights are reserved. Content may not be reproduced in any form without express written permission. Opinions expressed are those of the author(s) who makes no additional claims of accuracy.




  Places in New York or the surrounding area where I have lived, worked, biked, hiked, or fallen in love, plus neighboring states and my good pal, Canada. So - New York State, Buffalo, Corning, Ithaca, Utica, Morrisville, Albany, Schenectady, Troy, Lake George, Ticonderoga, Rochester, Binghampton, Cornell, Wells College, Toronto, Montreal, Northampton, MA, Boston, Portland, Maine, New Hampshire, Dover, Lake Hopatcong, Manhattan, Cobleskill, and more, much more... 

"A New York Strip Steak And A Pint Of Beer. What Could Be Better?"

Not everyone likes New York. Taxes are too high, they tell me. It gets trashed by a lot of people, especially those who have never really been there or believe the emotionally charged images they see on the evening news. Housing is too expensive. And yet, New York State is a wonderful place. Having been all over the country - living and working, there is a lot of beauty out there. For me, I have lived in cities, suburbs, and country settings from western to central to eastern New York most of my life. I worked for a time in Manhattan and went to art school in north Jersey, often taking the train into NYC to go gallery hopping, watch movies, or meet friends at comic shows. My grandparents and parents were from a tiny town of 2K in the Adirondack mountains on Lake George. New York is brimming with cities, farms, mountains, lakes and rivers, forests, and every kind of people you can possibly imagine. All countries make their home here, all faiths, all languages, all income classes. The food is fantastic. The people are friendly and generous. To me it is home in a way that few other places (I see you New Mexico...) could ever be.

On 9/11 - I was loading fifty pounds of paper into a Xerox "mini-doc" proof printer at Integrated Book Technology in Troy, NY when someone from one of the main presses came in with a small radio and we all huddled around listening as one, then two, planes struck the Trade Center towers.

I have been away from NY for nine years and lived the last three out in Los Angeles, a chunk of which involved my father dying here, back east, and then Covid, being stuck indoors. New York has always been my home, in my head and heart (I see you again New Mexico...) and I am very happy to be back on the same coast as family and friends and to at least have the possibility of seeing people again. I am very lucky in that regard. For all the struggles I have had, I always knew there were people out there who loved me, who were rooting for me, who would help if I asked. Being here gives renews my hope. Meeting old friends and new, gives me hope. I do not know what the future brings but getting a chance to watch snow fall, rain cascade, and trees pop open with green leaves gives me tremendous peace.

Thank you.

Billion Hero Studios
The Power of Storytelling

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1 comment:

  1. I have moved... moved from Central NY to New Mexico to Los Angeles to Yonkers, NY to South Jersey... And now in the spring of 2023, I am returning to New York State again to a small place called Cobleskill just a half hour west of Schenectady, NY. It feels like coming home in a lot of ways and the magic of being close to family and friends in a beautiful part of the country is not something I take lightly. Time to pack again, put stuff in boxes and put projects on hold, rent a truck, and hit the open road. I have had the opportunity to see a great deal of the country and it is something that I highly recommend but nothing feels better than coming home. Nothing.


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