What does white privilege look and feel like? How does it sound? Why is it important to understand this concept in terms of everyday life? Brett really, really likes beer. Brett may or may not have assaulted a young woman at a party when he was a youngster. What we do know is that his nomination process to The Supreme Court was a huge mess by any stretch of the imagination. He is now poised, with his block of "originalist" judges to overturn Roe vs. Wade. Why is this important? Photo copyright respective rights holder.
Sunnyside up or down. Or scrambled, poached, boiled, etc. No two are ever the same, just like snowflakes. They contain unique genetic makeup and individualization as God and the math of the universe intended. Eggs are not chickens, yet. Eggs taste good and are a great source of protein. Eggs. No matter how you like them, they are not for everyone. No one is forcing eggs down your throat. Eat fewer eggs and demand grows smaller. Your choice. If enough people choose not to eat eggs over a long enough time, no one will ask hens to produce eggs for consumption. Brett should not be in a position of deciding anything to do with eggs. Photo copyright respective rights holder.
"...just navigate the election system and sweep everyone out of power..."
So, the 40-year+ GOP plan to scuttle abortion rights for everyone is bearing hideous fruit in the Supreme Court... I believe strongly in abortion rights. I also believe strongly that life is precious beyond measure. Believe it or not, these are not mutually exclusive ideas. What I also feel very strongly about is that the big "G" government, should not be dictating personal health for women or anyone. The end result of overturning RvW is a return to making abortion something that the wealthy will always continue to have access to, and the poor will be criminalized at every turn. It is about control, particularly the rich controlling the poor; the old controlling the young; men controlling women; and one slice of religion trying to force their views on everyone.
Take a good look around you. Ask yourself if you care about human life? Do you care about your families? Your friends? Your community? Your world? We just lost one million people in two years to a pandemic here in the United States. It is a number that is overwhelming in every possible way and much of it can be attributed to a disregard for the risk that "other people" face. I am experienced enough in life to understand that I cannot know everyone's circumstances. I have a great enough burden understanding my own. How am I supposed to make decisions for half the population in their best interest when everyone is different, and I am not a woman? Answer: I can't or shouldn't. I will never fully understand why someone would want to end a pregnancy in the same way that I will never fully understand what it means to carry a child and give birth. It is an experience that I can observe but never know. It is not that I should have no say at all in the matter either but my opinion, as a man, should not be given statistical or legal weight over a those who are directly able to grasp the issue at a personal level. Women, not men, should be deciding their own health for best outcomes.
Women should be able to consult with their doctors in private without interference on every health topic that concerns them - including abortion, birth control, mental health, and more. Men too. A better-informed individual simply makes better decisions for themselves at every turn in life. What I would personally prefer is more health education not less, more funding for research into women's health, more calm discussion about what quality of life and personal choice really means, AND fewer, safer abortions.
What can men do? Get out of the damn way.
Lastly, I need to emphasize that elections matter. Someone keeps electing Mitch McConnell for example, and we will discover what we already know, that he has singlehandedly created more division than any one person has a right to. He blocked Obama's court pick from even being discussed and held open not only that Supreme Court seat but countless judgeships by delaying hearings until a "favorable" administration came along. And yet, when a million women marched on Washington wearing clever hats, none of them stormed the capital or violently tried to stop a legal certification process.
My religious beliefs tell me that abortion is wrong. The idea of it makes me sick, especially as a fourth child from a large family. What if I or my younger brothers and sisters simply never existed? My religious beliefs also tell me to love my neighbor, forgive my neighbor, and to judge not. We need to remember that we belong to a pluralistic society where everyone is not the same, does not think the same, feel the same, worship the same, or value the same things in their pursuit of happiness. I am not FOR abortion and would never specifically choose this route, but I should NOT be taking that choice away from others or judge those few that do. No. That is not how choice works. Not everyone will agree, which is not the purpose of this post. Abortion is a "third rail" issue considered too hot to openly discuss but like it or not - here we are and on the eve of mid-term elections...
I would not be surprised if the backlash for this court contortion causes millions of newly minted 18–25-year-old voters to just navigate the election system and sweep everyone out of power.
Please make health education and services a top priority in this country and around the world by staying informed and listening carefully to those with whom you disagree. Speak out thoughtfully and not just with mean-spirited memes and tweets. We can do a lot better. There is work to do.
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