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ALL CONTENTS are copyright by Rick Arthur. All rights are reserved. Content may not be reproduced in any form without express written permission. Opinions expressed are those of the author(s) who makes no additional claims of accuracy.





Graphic novel Persepolis, The Story Of A Childhood is the highly acclaimed work of Marjane Satrapi and has also been adapted into an animated film.

"In today's edition of "Parents Who Want To Ban Books They Haven't Read..."

Pennsylvania is an odd place full of people struggling to find their way. Corporate America gutted it like a fish and left the farms and steel mills to rot. One of the pillars of our great country, founded on religious freedom of expression and personal liberty They have a rich history and yet somehow seem to be caught in a bit of a funk. They should decide, here and now, that dipping their toes into the water of banning books in classrooms is not a good idea. From the western part of the state, we have this:

Note: a preview of a few pages of this graphic novel are available on its Amazon page. Strong, wonderful cartooning with a very interesting story to tell. Should kids be learning this in school? It is much more preferable to learning nothing or only learning about one point of view of the world.

As with the controversy surrounding the acclaimed graphic novel Maus, these works easily belong in discussion in an academic setting as important works. Cartoonists should be encouraged to tackle the most complex and personal issues of the day - and anything else their creativity can muster. Creating these graphic works takes artistic courage and the kind of stubborn confidence that only other artists can understand.

Continue to be aware that protecting reading, learning, and thinking is a constant struggle but one with the very greatest of rewards. 

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